17 Aug 2016 CV = conjugata vera (cm): Sagittal distance between the promontory This finding may explain the widespread use of the kneeling position
adj. Of or relating to marriage or the relationship of spouses. [Latin coniugālis, from coniūnx, coniug-, spouse, from coniungere, to join in marriage; see conjoin .] con′ju·gal′i·ty (-găl′ĭ-tē) n.
· Obstetric n. The shortest pelvic diameter through which the fetal head must pass during birth, measured from the promontory of the sacrum to a point a few millimeters from The project of obstetrics as obstetricians originally defined it was the pathology conjugata vera could be directly measured at autopsy, the difference of eight. 17 Aug 2016 CV = conjugata vera (cm): Sagittal distance between the promontory This finding may explain the widespread use of the kneeling position vera (accusative singular veran, plural veraj, accusative plural verajn) vera in Geir T. Zoëga, A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic , Oxford: Clarendon Press, billa vera in Chinese : 正式的起诉书…. click for more detailed Chinese translation , "cholera vera" in Chinese: 真性霍乱; "conjugata vera" in Chinese: 真直径 conjugata recta.
Examples of plural forms: car - cars, boat - boats, house - houses, friend - friends. * This article uses material from Wikipedia and is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License con·ju·gate ac·id. the protonated compound of two compounds that differ in structure only by the presence of the labile proton. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content .
It may be considered the conjugate acid of the azide anion, and is similarly analogous to the hydrohalic acids. In these reactions the conjugate acid of the carbonyl group is a better electrophile than the neutral carbonyl group itself.
conjugata vera, which became known as. “taglio cesareo demolitore” (Porro, Zugaib (2008)10 defines this intervention as an operation performed according to
Die ersten Schritte in dieser Richtung scheinen in Frankreich gernacht worden zu sein. Urn die perspektivische Vergrdsserung des Beckens zu berechnen, legte Hallo, richtig, die Conjugata vera wurde hier vermessen und beträgt 12,39 cm, sie liegt somit im normalen Bereich. Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Dr. N. Scheufele Stellen Sie Ihre eigene Frage zum Thema Gynäkologie.
I claim as my invention: 1. 1-15. (canceled) 16. A method for determining information regarding position and orientation of magnetic resonance tomographic slice image exposures of a patient, reference to the patient, comprising the steps of: generating a plurality of initial MR overview exposures of the body of a patient; electronically individualizing electronic data representing a
gynaecologica. Definition. Determine dimensions of the true conjugate. 3.
In obstetrics, the distance between the midline superior point of the sacrum and the upper margin of the symphysis pubis. It is the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic inlet, estimated by subtracting 1.5 to 2 cm from the measurement of the diagonal conjugate. Synonym: conjugata vera. The true conjugate diameter has no corresponding transverse diameter, and is well above the brim of the true pelvis. The literature tends to show that the so-called conjugata vera is not a critical factor in the progress of labor.
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conjugata in a sentence - Use "conjugata" in a sentence 1. "Nepenthes sibuyanensis " occurs relatively sparsely on open slopes dominated by high grasses, small shrubs, and the fern " Dipteris conjugata ". en.wikipedia.org a. (of two angles) having a sum of 360°.
用conjugata vera造句, 用conjugata vera造句, 用conjugata vera造句, conjugata vera meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net. inngangsmålene (det vil si målene i bekkeninngangen): conjugata vera, som er avstanden mellom symfysens øvre, bakre kant og promontorium (den mest fremspringende del av os sacrum, korsbenet) og inngangens tverrdiameter, og. utgangsmålene (målene i bekkenutgangen): intertubaravstanden som er avstanden mellom de to tuber ossis ischii,
conjugata vera anatomica: A szimfízis felső részét a promontoriummal összekötő sagittalis átmérő.
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In obstetrics, the distance between the midline superior point of the sacrum and the upper margin of the symphysis pubis. It is the anteroposterior diameter of the
Aumentatives: verona, veronas, verota, verotas. Translate "vera" to English: edge. Spanish Synonyms of "vera": orilla. Define meaning of "vera": Ribera, orilla, margen, borde lateral. It may be considered the conjugate acid of the azide anion, and is similarly analogous to the hydrohalic acids.